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Green Project Technologies

Automated ESG and carbon accounting platform


About Green Project Technologies

Green Project's all-in-one carbon and ESG management software leverages targeted API integrations with a company's existing data systems to cut through the cost and complexity of collecting, processing and reporting carbon emissions and ESG data in-house. We focus on Scope 3 Categories 1 and 15 (Supply Chain and Financed Emissions) and have helped hundreds of GPs, financial service firms, and supply chain managers track and report the emissions of their portfolio companies, counterparties, and suppliers.

Green Project is regarded as the "QuickBooks of ESG Accounting," and the ease of use and automation inherent to the platform sets it apart as the ideal solution for firms who want to offer their portfolio companies or supply chain an easy and compliant solution.

Green Project Technologies and AssuranceLab

Green Project can help your firm track it's ESG and carbon emission data and AssuranceLab can help make sure you are audit and assurance ready!

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